'Success is the key to happiness', says Albert Schweitzner. Success is also not an easy ride, but on the contrary, it is the result of experience, hard work, perhaps luck, and at times failures.
Muovo would like to share with you the following 4 'untruths' that we used to hear when we were young. Are you ready for the big news?
Here we go...
1. You're excellent in whatever you do. You're the best honey.
When we were young we might have needed that extra push from our parents to get ourselves going and perhaps not giving up from whatever we'd been trying to pursue. However, to tell your 6-year-old kid that he's a great poet, simple by rhyming a phrase like 'horse, divorce, oh it's your choice', does not necessarily make him the next Lord Byron. It will be better to make your child know of the strengths and weaknesses he possesses and that it is okay - and normal - not to be good at everything. Nobody is.
2. You have to be perfect.
Some say that failure is a teacher. In fact, failure is 'success in training', says C. W. Keene at Brazen Life. If you're still in college, you don't need to have a perfect track record to land yourself a good job. A lot of graduates who scored top marks are still looking for their perfect dream job two years down the line.
3. You have to be married by 30.
Although this was the case for a few decades ago, it is certainly not the norm now. With graduates leaving university in their mid-twenties, and starting their career even later, it is almost impossible to be able to fund yourself and settle down the late-twenties, early thirties. Don't stress and don't buy the myth: not everyone is ready to get married by 25. This is not to say of course, that it is wrong to do so. It all boils down to your own life circumstances and personal choice. Live and let live!
4. You will only success if you go to university.
Success comes from all walks of life. Although nowadays there is a strong pressure worldwide for students to continue furthering their education at tertiary levels, it does not necessarily mean that they will be more successful than any one else without a degree. Although you may have to work harder, you can be just as and possibly even more successful.
What's your opinion? Do you have any other 'untruths' that we could add to the list? Muovo would like to hear from you!
Nikita Pisani at Muovo