This is a very frustrating situation to be in...and most of us, have been in it!
Especially at the beginning of starting out a career, it can seem or be difficult to find a job. Why? Well, everyone demands experience. If you haven't had the chance the work, how can you get the required experience?
Notably, this problem does not exist for new jobseekers on the market, but also for those individuals who, for some reason or other, wish to change their line of career. This would raise your eymployer's eyebrows even more if you are over-qualified for the job. Employers are likely to be reluctant to invest in someone who may not wholly commit to them, who might change their job to some other higher position elsewhere, and therefore use the current experience as a stepping stone to what they really want - which would hence result in the employer's loss of time, money and resources.
Do not fret too much though! There are two approaches to resolving this situation:
(a) Turn your lack of experience or over-qualification into an asset in your covering letter. Here's what a managements consultant does when faced with the situation:
I can sell my lack of experience as a strength because I have no preconceptions or prejudice. I can bring fresh ideas, and am eager to learn more.
I can sell my over-qualified experience as a strength because I bring a wealth of practical experience coupled with pragmatism based on a level of maturity that few others can offer.
(b) Try to find ways to maximize your working experience through voluntary work, odd jobs for friends and family. Whatever you do will always become useful at some point in your career.
Adapted from Judith Leigh, How to write: Successful CVs & Job Applications (2013), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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